Santa Muerte is the most popular saint in Mexican prisons and not only among inmates. She also has an ample following among guards, lawyers and even therapists. In the following testimony Manuel Flores Machuca of Mexico City relates his own experience with the patroness of prison.

I’m gonna tell you about my experience with my SANTA MUERTE …

When I was 18, I ended up in prison and saw that all the inmates believed in her. They told me to pray to her, but I didn’t want to until one day I got tired of being locked up, so I told her she could show me she really exists by freeing me.

I got out a week later even though the people who accused me paid 15,000 pesos to keep me locked up! That’s when I really started to believe in her.

When I got out my mom gave me a Santa Muerte tee shirt, and I prayed to her to help me get money. I got the money, and the first thing I did was buy a statue of her. On the first day I didn’t wanna sleep with her, cause I was scared, but I knew that I bought her for a reason and from there my devotion to her started growing!

Later, since I was doing drugs and was lonely, I asked her to bring me friends. Over time she brought me friends, and when they’d see my altar in my room some started to ask her for favors but others were scared of her.

Since I was on drugs I’d get into lots of trouble. One time they tried to steal my motorcycle and they beat me up. I went to my altar and asked her to help me. They came to my house and threatened to kill me, but I stayed inside. So I asked her to make them go away, and the one who’d threatened me had an accident!! Later he told me that he’d crashed and to forgive him, that an image of the black Santa Muerte had appeared to him on the road.

Another experience was when I was walking home a bit drunk and a car cornered me, and they pulled a gun on me and threatened me, and then just stared at me. My Santa Muerte medallion made him tremble and he drove off!

Another experience was when I landed in prison for the second time and other inmates would only punch me in places where I didn’t have tattoos of my saint!! Out of respect for her and thanks to my GODMOTHER and her son COMMANDER PANTHER and my SANTA MUERTE I got out of prison. They accused me of robbery. I went to the temple for a while, praying to her and thanking her for my freedom!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks to her I’m here now writing this.

Another miracle that my sweet saint did was when my cousin was about to be sentenced on a murder charge. That was the first time the Godmother put her necklaces on me. I thought those necklaces were ordinary ones until I fainted and saw the image of COMMANDER PANTHER. Two days later my cousin was freed, and we went to give thanks to her.

Another miracle happened when my mom got sick, and I had to ask my saint to help me so she’d get better. My mom was really sick, but thanks to her she recovered and now she’s a devotee too!!!

Another miracle happened when I prayed to her for my stepfather who was in prison. I was praying at the grave of the GODFATHER (Commander Panther) and started to cry when the Godmother came and helped calm me down. Just a month later my stepfather got out!!!!!!!

One more miracle that happened thanks to my SAINT was when I was on my way to work at the Godmother’s bar a guy got on the bus and started robbing everyone except me! People thought I was with him, but I wasn’t.

Another miracle happened when they arrested me by mistake for auto theft, and I landed in prison, and since I had priors they told me I’d do 5 to 10 years and wouldn’t make bail. I prayed really hard to my Saint and told her to give me a sign, and on my 4th day in prison they brought in an image of a black Santa Muerte, and that was the sign she gave me!! They told me to get ready for my hearing and said I’d be out the next day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks to my Saint I’m free now and have a job, my family, my Godmother and good health!



Translated from the Spanish by Michael Caleigh of and Dr. Andrew Chesnut. Photo by Fabiola Chesnut.


9 thoughts on “Santa Muerte Got Me Out of Prison

  1. Hello my name is Daniela, I would like to know if you prayed when your cousin was about to go to jail? Or what?


    1. Yes my youngest son prays to holy death & I didn’t know much about holy death but started learning & at his request lighting candles but nothing worked my son is starving 3 life sentences so maybe I was to stress don’t know but my son & I both have a gift something went wrong ? I’m now working on his appeal & any advice is welcome


  2. I am new to Santa Muerte but it was love at first understanding of who and what she is. Now I want to learn everything I can about her. Your stories of what this saint has done for you are great. Thank you for sharing them. I have already had synchronistic experiences surrounding this saint, so I do not doubt her reality, or her power.


  3. Hi amazing story! My son prays to holy death I’ve been working with her for a short while now my understanding is that she doesn’t work for everyone but can someone tell me the best prayer or ritual to do for big criminal cases ?

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Santa Muerte I come to you for help to please get my boyfriend out of jail they got them for organized crime organ organ God damn about selling drugs or buying drugs somebody put the finger please is a $75,000 Bond they want 3000 I don’t have that kind of money right now can you please help me and get my boyfriend Moses Laura out of jail soon please thank you I’ll do anything you asked me to do just please help me get them out thank you


  5. My name is Alicia Huerta my son has been in prison for 5 years. He went up for parole June 2022 and he made parole but another inmate started a fight with him. So they denied his parole now he has to wait till August of 2023. Please help him come home. Santa muerta. Thank you!


  6. 2023….I would love to think that after many blessings and kindness`s this storey and teller had a happily ever after…Life and poverty do, however, sometimes get in the way…BUT La Madrina is patient and life OR Death will in the end teach us the lessons we each need to learn.


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