
Have you heard of Santa Muerte? 

Read about who Santa Muerte is below, about her devotees, their traditions, stories and beliefs through the articles on this website by historian Dr. R. Andrew Chesnut, Bishop Walter Sullivan Chair in Catholic Studies at Virginia Commonwealth University and author of this book on Santa Muerte, in collaboration with guest contributors, as we present a multi-faceted exploration of the sanctification of death in the popular faith traditions of the Americas.




R. Andrew Chesnut, Ph.D., holds the Bishop Walter F. Sullivan Chair in Catholic Studies and is Professor of Religious Studies at Virginia Commonwealth University. He is currently conducting research on memento mori. A specialist in Latin American religion, he is the author of “Competitive Spirits: Latin America’s New Religious Economy” (Oxford University Press, 2003), “Devoted to Death: Santa Muerte, the Skeleton Saint” (Oxford University Press, December 2012), and of “Born Again in Brazil: The Pentecostal Boom and the Pathogens of Poverty” (Rutgers University Press, 1997).

Santa Muerte, Saint Death and Holy Death in English, is now the fastest growing new religious movement in the West. There are no surveys of the number of devotees, but with 15 years of combined research experience, we estimate some 12 million followers, with 70% in Mexico, 15% in the U.S., 10% in Central America, and the remaining 5% mostly in South America. There are also small groups of devotees surfacing in Europe and other parts of the globe.  Devotion to the skeleton saint only went public in 2001, so the great majority of adherents have become devoted to death only in the past decade and a half. In the U.S., devotees are concentrated in Texas, California and the Southwest, so it’s no coincidence that the first American bishops to condemn the Bony Lady (one of her common monikers) are from this region.

Saint Death is a skeletal folk saint whose cult has proliferated on both sides of the U.S.-Mexico border over the past decade and a half. She’s a female figure folk saint of death, that is to say a saint not recognised by the Catholic Church. She has rapidly become one of the most popular and powerful folk saints on both the Mexican and American religious landscapes. Although condemned as demonic by both Catholic and Protestant churches, she appeals to millions in the Americas and beyond on the basis of her reputedly awesome supernatural powers. Devotees believe the Bony Lady (la Huesuda as she is called in Spanish) to be the fastest and most efficacious miracle worker, and, as such, sales of her statuettes and votive candles now rival those of the Virgin of Guadalupe and the patron of lost causes, Saint Jude, the two other giants of the Mexican religious landscape. Santa Muerte brings miracles, it is said by devotees, of love, health, wealth, justice, and much more. Devotees work not only with prayer but with magic in their veneration of the Santa Muerte. Candles and statues are vital to working with her and as we will see these need to be the right colour for the specific needs of the devotee.

Color symbology and iconography are central to devotion. Santa Muerte is usually depicted with a scythe, a globe, sometimes the scales of justice and invariably an owl. The scythe is an iconographic vestige of her partly European heritage. It harkens to the Grim Reapress (la Parca), a medieval figure of death which the Spanish missionaries brought with them as part of their attempt to convert the Indigenous of Mexico to Christianity. It is the syncretism of the Spanish Grim Reapress with Indigenous beliefs in death deities, such as the Aztec goddess Mictecacihuatl, that gave birth to the Santa Muerte as we know her today. 

The globe symbolizes Santa Muerte’s deathly dominion over the entire world and all those who inhabit it, for only she has the power to reap death. The scales of justice represent her ability to mete out justice for those who petition her to take their side in legal matters, disputes or any other similar concerns. Justice in this sense is a matter of perspective, typically associated with the devotee’s interpretation, and does not consist of a strict moral compass of right and wrong.The folk saint is essentially amoral, since it is believed if sufficiently supplicated she may take one’s side, even if one is requesting protection from the law or for her to use her scythe to wipe out one’s enemies in one fell swoop. The owl in Indigenous Mexican mythology is associated with death. Mexicans state that ‘when the owl screeches, the Indian dies’. As a syncretic symbol, the owl is also associated with knowledge, cognition and witchcraft in European folklore.

Color symbolism is also central to devotion and ritual. There are three main colors associated with Santa Muerte: red, white, and black. Interestingly, as an anthropologist, Dr. Kate Kingsbury notes that this color triad appears to be nearly universal across world religions for invoking the three main energies that humans seek to manipulate, white, red and black feature in Hinduism, ancient Egyptian spirituality and innumberable other devotions.

In Santa Muerte, the white statue or white votive candle in Santa Muerte devotion is used for blessing a venture, for cleansing, purification, and the removal of negative energy. Red, as has been already alluded to, is utilized for petitions related to love, passion, and lust. The black votive, or black statue, is infamous due to its nefarious associations.It is employed typically for black magic, vengeance, hexing and other such dark magical arts. For this reason it is rare to see it in a public shrine for most devotees seek to obfuscate their involvement in such activities. Nevertheless, la Niña Negra, as the folk saint is known in this form, may also be used for more benign activities such as reversing spellwork, all forms of protection and removing energetic blockages. But it’s the rainbow-colored Seven Powers candle that best captures her broad appeal as many are looking for miracles on several fronts and not just one.


10 thoughts on “* Who is la Santa Muerte?

  1. The idea of venerating death is very, very sad. Much better it is to venerate life, especially the eternal salvation of spiritual life that awaits those who live righteous lives by treating each other with love, respect, and compassion.


  2. You fear death and run away from it, block it out from view and try to forget about it. In other cultures different than yours they don’t do that. They accept death as a stage of life and that influences the way they live. Instead of judging a culture or viewpoint you don’t understand, try to be more accepting and even attempt to perceive their viewpoint, it may even make your life better.

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  3. What sunlion is missing is the fact, that we are talking about death physically, NOT spiritually . Which makes his comment dumb. Bible says let he who is without fault cast the first stone, I assume you are pure light sunlion? Oh no theres much fault in you, as all of us. And underneath the veil of flesh we were while living is a skeleton, fear not whats already part of your body, Spiritual life and physical are two different things that many christians do not understand, death has many faces, you can put old habits to death, bad behaviour to death, bad decisions to death, death is a part of life .Living righteous DOES NOT mean believing in the bible or going to church every sunday,rather it is how you treat others, respect others,and their beliefs, I have studied religion for a long time, I was born a Catholic,became a born again christian,that was a mistake cus they called catholics satanist, You see even Christians who believe in the Same god can not get along,and you want to talk about righteous living. RESPECT others beliefs,if they treat you proper ,well then it does not matter what their faith is,remember sunlion the greatest commandment of all Love and love your enemy,christians are the first to bark and start calling names when i new church of other faith goes up near them,Is their God not strong enough and their prayers to handle it himself ? You must defend God ? I think not, live in peace with your faith and leave others alone.

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  4. Jesus is Lord. He is to be venerated, worshipped and glorified. The scripture speaks of death in this way.

    1 Corinthians 15:26 (ESV)
    The last enemy to be destroyed is death.

    Hebrews 2:14-15 (ESV)
    Since therefore the children share in flesh and blood, he himself likewise partook of the same things, that through death he might destroy the one who has the power of death, that is, the devil, and deliver all those who through fear of death were subject to lifelong slavery.

    Revelation 20:14-15 (ESV)
    Then Death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death, the lake of fire. And if anyone’s name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.

    Death is the enemy, Christ Jesus will ultimately destroy death. It will not be venerated. It will be destroyed!!!


  5. I have book about tarot from Angeles Arrien and I really love the book.The Tarot card which I counted from date of my birthday ,my card of life is death.First I was scared-this is card of my life?But actually I think that there is something very sexy and live giving about it.We can really like ourself with our death,its part of our life.


  6. So… I started venerating the Santa Muerte and nothing has gone right since. I have hemorrhoids on my backside, and I have horrible nightmares every single night of this grim reaper standing over me. I’m not sure which is worse – having not slept in almost a month or the fact that my hindquarters feel like they’re in Hell. Perhaps, if I keep praying to her, she can just relieve the pain from my butt and put all of me in Hell instead of just my tootsie.


  7. Please note that Santa Muerte is not the same as San La Muerte, venerated by some people (few people) in Paraguay as the saint of bandits, mobsters and murderers. Santa Muerte is, as Dr. Kingsbury has noted, an icon of female empowerment. In Paraguay, where some sources will tell you the tradition started, devotion to San La Muerte is to assist bandits and the stories are of becoming impervious to being killed and of succeeding in nefarious ventures.

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  8. The ONE fact of life that nobody can deny is Death….How you relate to that fact. How you LIVE with it and within it is your relationship with Death aka Santa Muerte .

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